IoT Process – Week 5

Project 1 update: I decided to integrate some of the ideas I’ve been developing for my thesis project work into Project 1. Through Project 1, I’m attempting to make the sometimes tedious “work task” of searching for a job more playful. When a...

IoT Process – Week 4

Things that are pretty awesome: after I struggled with the LinkedIn OAuth process, I received an e-mail from a Temboo staffer offering some links to documentation that may be helpful. I e-mailed him back with some specifics about the challenges I’m tackling, and...

IoT Process – Week 3 (part 2)

I signed up for a developer account for LinkedIn and got the necessary keys to get started. I started working with the SearchJobsByKeywords Temboo choreo. I was immediately thrown off when the first two inputs requested were “AccessToken” and...

IoT Process – Week 3

Project 1 proposal: Using job data from the LinkedIn API, I will use specific search terms associated with playfulness to search for jobs on LinkedId. Using the returned job titles, descriptions, and company profiles, I’ll create a playful interactive experience...

IoT Process – Week 2

I was able to call 10 random words from Wordnik (with the appropriate formatting and no extra characters!) using the JSON examples we went through in class. After I finally got the words displaying correctly, I wanted to make them do something fun. I had originally...

IoT Process – Week 1

I’m trying to use the Wordnik Temboo Choreo to call a random word and make it follow the mouse.  Eventually I’d like to evolve this sketch to call many random words to follow the mouse – I thought that would be a cool interactive “hello,...